/builds/t22lekhl/test-ci/frontend/index.html 2:2 error is missing required "lang" attribute element-required-attributes 3:2 error element must have as content element-required-content 4:58 error Expected omitted end tag <link> instead of self-closing element <link/> void-style 5:60 error Expected omitted end tag <link> instead of self-closing element <link/> void-style 6:75 error Expected omitted end tag <link> instead of self-closing element <link/> void-style 24:3 error <form> element must have a submit button wcag/h32 26:5 error <input> is missing required "type" attribute element-required-attributes 26:11 error Attribute "id" used ' instead of expected " attr-quotes 26:61 error Expected omitted end tag <input> instead of self-closing element <input/> void-style 27:8 error <input> is missing required "type" attribute element-required-attributes 27:14 error Attribute "id" used ' instead of expected " attr-quotes 27:65 error Expected omitted end tag <input> instead of self-closing element <input/> void-style 29:8 error <input> is missing required "type" attribute element-required-attributes 29:68 error Expected omitted end tag <input> instead of self-closing element <input/> void-style 30:8 error <input> is missing required "type" attribute element-required-attributes 30:93 error Expected omitted end tag <input> instead of self-closing element <input/> void-style 33:9 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace 38:1 error Trailing whitespace no-trailing-whitespace ✖ 18 problems (18 errors, 0 warnings) More information: https://html-validate.org/rules/element-required-attributes.html https://html-validate.org/rules/element-required-content.html https://html-validate.org/rules/void-style.html https://html-validate.org/rules/wcag/h32.html https://html-validate.org/rules/attr-quotes.html https://html-validate.org/rules/no-trailing-whitespace.html